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Well said.
You know how much is happening here right now? This city is poised for so much growth it's fantastic.
Our downtown has grown tremendously, with people investing in new business the last few years (ahem.) and....the UOIT purchased the empty factory on Athol street, they are putting a faculty in there. (Not sure what, but none-the-less....)
Oshawa has gorgeous lakefront, on one of the GREAT Lakes for Pete's sakes! There's only five of them, you know! lol
Jill I share your enthusiasm for this city. I've travelled a bit in recent years and I have to say our city is top notch. Still room for improvement but it certainly doesn't deserve the reputation the few pessimists have given it.


To be fair, you probably didn't venture up St Paul St to the St Paul Quarter, down East Ave to the East End, or down Exchange Boulevard to Corn Hill. Yes, the district in which the hotels are located is sadly lacking because of some megaprojects that are tied up in political bickering, but trust me, there is plenty to do in Downtown Rochester - just not on Main Street.

I'm sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy your stay in our fair city, but hey, at least the hotel was nice.


MAT, you are absolutley correct. Due to time constrainst we were not able to venture around Rochester very much during this trip. We went last year as well, and yes we found a cute little pub to eat lunch at, just south of the Blue Cross Centre (Corn Hill area I think?), and we found the malls were very nice. I was saddened by the lack of things right downtown for those that work and live there. I do understand that Rochester is in a period of rebuilding that area and it will take time and money to get there. I hope it happens. Rochester downtown has so much potential and in the long run it will be fabulous for everyone....residents and visitors.

Probably part of the problem for me, is that both times I have been there, it has been winter, which limits how far I was willing to walk around in the cold.

I will say every person I dealt with was lovely, friendly and very helpful.

THanks for posting, Mat.

Cheers :)


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