On Sunday night, as my husband slept blissfully, I was reflecting on my weekend and was overcome with a feeling of full satiation. It occurred to me that I was thinking about what a fabulous weekend it was, instead of thinking, UGH! the weekend is over already, where did it go?
What a great feeling that was! I replayed the entire weekend in my head, and let me tell you, it was a full weekend of activity!
Friday night I left work at 5pm, and instead of heading home, went to pick up my oldest daughter Mary from her friend's house, on to the grocery store and back home for a yummy dinner cooked up by my husband :)
After dinner, I greeted some 12 year old guests as they arrived at our house for my youngest son, Cameron's 12th birthday celebration. His actual birthday was the previous weekend, but Friday was "the party". He invited 2 boys and 3 girls "to make it even" and had decided they were just going to "play video games, maybe shoot some pool, and just chill and eat pizza". All of a sudden he's cool??? When did that happen? And one of the girls is his girlfriend??? When did THAT happen??? Of course I know when that happened, sometime before Hallowe'en, and I only know this because he needed extra money to buy her ticket to the Hallowe'en dance at school, because, "Mom, I asked her out, I'm supposed to pay for her ticket!" (Which apparently really meant, "Mom, I asked her out, now YOU have to buy BOTH of our tickets").
Saturday, I purposefully spent a lazy day, saving my energy up for a night out on the town. We joined some friends for dinner at Riley's Olde Towne Pub and after dinner joined more friends for an evening of drinkies and pool. Good times were had by all. I caught up with some old friends, and met some new friends and I was so caught up in the positive energy of the evening, even my husband was surprised at how great a mood I was in. (Not that I am miserable all the time, but I was in SUCH a good mood, I was literally bouncing out of my boots!). We finished the night having a night cap (ok, night capS, as in several more) at our friends' place before heading home.
And Sunday...Sunday was busy, and yet incredible. I dropped my youngest daughter, Helen off at the gym for her cheerleading practice, and went for breakfast with my good friend Jill. ( I know, I am Jill, and I am friends with Gill and Jill). We were able to get caught up with each other and get back to pick up our daughters from practice in the nick of time. Back home for an hour and back out...this time to take both of my daughters to their 1-hour tumbling class. I dropped them off, and wait for it, had my weekend making moment! I went to the car wash and...THERE WAS NO LINE UP!!! That made my day! I had driven past the car wash 3 times already that day, and saw cars upon cars lined up. I was expecting to have to wait in line for a good hour. I even told my girls I might be late picking them up from tumbling if the line up was too long. But NOOOOOO! I was able to hit the Timmies drive-thru for a coffee, hit the car wash, hit Home Outfitters for new bedsheets, AND get back to the gym to watch the last half hour of their class!! Seriously! The best day ever because of that car wash! (And yes, I know...small things amuse small minds lol)
I was still glowing from my weekend yesterday morning. Still grateful for everyone I shared it with, and loving that I was only five days away from my next one...which is going to include a purse party!!
Tonight, though, a happy Tuesday evening to be spent with some of my favourite ladies at a sushi restaurant. I'm looking forward to it so much, I wish I was already there :)
And how was YOUR weekend? Let me know, and I'll be back here soon.